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5 min read

Diversity & Inclusion in the Retail Workplace

If you’ve ever dabbled in the stock market you’ve likely been told to “diversify your portfolio” or given other similar advice. And you’d be right to listen to your advisor. Diversifying your investments helps protect you from the natural swings...

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4 min read

2022 Trend Report: Filling the Need for Inclusive Retail Experiences

The pandemic pushed the already supersonic digital acceleration into warp drive with technology innovation and adoption predictions coming to pass...

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3 min read

Using Technology to Improve Employee Experience

As the labor shortage drags on, retail executives are looking for new, innovative ways to attract top talent. However, finding great employees is...

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3 min read

Where Do Associates and Immersive Virtual Retail Fit in the Metaverse?

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has reinvigorated popular interest in the Metaverse, an entire digital reality for user to work, play, and interact...

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1 min read

Watch: Who Is the New Sales Associate?

The way the retail world defines the sales associate is changing constantly, but never moreso than in the past 20 months since the pandemic began. As...

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2 min read

The Reality of Today’s Omnichannel Retail Landscape and the Stars Behind the Movement

This article was originally published on December 9, 2021 by Total Retail.

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3 min read

2021 Beauty Consumer Survey

Beauty retailers have some extra intel to base strategies on this holiday season thanks to Salesfloor’s inaugural beauty survey.

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3 min read

Stretched Supply Chains Need Creative Solutions

With the 2021 Holiday Season already picking up, retailers are still facing significant challenges when it comes to capitalising on pent-up...

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3 min read

Rethinking the Retail Labor Market

The COVID-19 pandemic has rewritten the rules of retail from top to bottom. It’s changed customer expectations for cleanliness and safety while...

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Learn more about how retailers are leveraging tech to connect the in store and online experience their customers enjoy in shopping centres of the future.

4 min read

Reimagining the Future Shopping Center

Thanks to the growth of online shopping and digital store fronts, the future of brick-and-mortar retail was already in question prior to the...

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